Allegedly An Adult

Category: Weird Lists

tuesday, december 30th 2014


12:45am: Alyssa and I have had no Rumplemintz tonight and we will keep it that way

12:59am: We decided bottles of Natty are a better idea #TheHumpty

1:10am: It’s called Instabang and it’s 100% totally free #MelvinWouldHaveThis

monday, december 15th, 2014

I originally only planned on doing this for certain alcohols/events (wine, Jameson, tequila, power hour) but decided to write down a normal night out just to see what I’d be working with. Here that is:

4:32pm: bartender asks me to text a certain Saints player and ask him not to make any plays because he is on his opponent’s fantasy team and if he wins today he goes to the playoffs. I tell him I’ll see what I can do.

8:14pm: ask my manager if we can take shots when said certain Saints player scores. Manager asks why. I explain the situation and my history with him. Manager says “absolutely.” Bartender is not happy.

First shot: Dragon Bomb

8:48pm: drank a Red Bull. Immediate regret.

11:15pm: Bears game has left me empty and afraid. Fireball has begun. Alyssa has had one glass of wine and three shots when I clock out and join her.

11:19pm: Manager is telling us awful tequila-drunk stories

11:54pm: Arrive at the Diag Bar and Grille, DBAG for short. Timmy Too Tall smacks whatever I’m holding out of my hand upon arrival. Alyssa orders a Hot Greg. Hot Greg is street slang for Pinot Grigio, which isn’t a real thing. I order a PBR, which is also not a real thing.

12:02am: We start to plan out which nights we are documenting. Although there will be temptation to take shots during wine night, we must be strong. I have faith in us.

12:04am: Wine. Jameson. Tequila. Power Hours. Ride The Rail.

12:05am: I have ranked all the male bartenders at work and they are aware of where they stand. Alyssa is angry with my rankings and says they are wrong and we will have to have a discussion about it tomorrow.

12:14am: Approximately 12 hours after Alyssa told me she is swearing off Rumplemintz she orders shots of Rumplemintz. She has a problem. A problem only Rumplemintz can solve. She has also divulged all of my dirty slutty secrets to Timmy Too Tall and I have zero regrets.

12:19am: Realized the guy from Tinder I’m talking to has 666 in his phone number. I’ll ignore it because I’m painfully single and he loves Cutler as much as I do.

12:29am: Realized it’s Tuesday and Timmy Too Tall and I are not allowed to talk on Tuesdays. This is not good.

12:34am: Dennis enters stage right

12:36am: Jameson

12:39am: White guy named Jamal

12:55am: FIREBALL. Alyssa tells me her and Timmy Too Tall were talking about me when they smoked outside. Alyssa also wants it known that she is NOT doing a Hot Greg.

12:56am: Alyssa yells “WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?” I struggle to come up with an answer.

12:57am: Alyssa talks to random hot dude at the bar. Turns out he used to work at Crossing. (Nick) [he wrote his own name in]

12:59am: Alyssa’s hand has a stroke. It will all be okay.

1:06am: Loaded regular gives me his phone so he can friend request Alyssa. Asks me “So wait how do I become buddies with her?”

[Start Nick’s handwriting]

1:14 PBR and Miller Lite

1:22 Alyssa stood on chair for unknown reasons and was caught by a hot tall dude

[End Nick’s handwriting]

1:34am: Alyssa has taken two shots of Rumplemintz. I have as well.

1:40am: Guy talking to us (Dennis) sees Alyssa flirting with another dude (Nick) and threatens to not pay for our tab. I laugh at him and now he is more angry than before.

2:35am: Dear Journal. Uh oh.

2:36am: There’s a turkey in the smoker. Shepard’s Pie. Awesome Blossom. 222. Grand Slam.

life advice from a twenty-something nobody


As I approach my 26th birthday I’ve been challenging myself to think of things I’ve learned in my quarter-century years of existing. Seeing as I’m a bartender living payday to payday with no real savings and not currently doing anything with my journalism background (besides frequently journaling about my personal life while drunk on Yellow Tail wine) we’ll see how this ends up.

If you don’t like your current situation, change it.
If you want to lose weight, put down the junk food and pick up some running shoes. If you want to save up to move to a different city, start budgeting. If you REALLY want to change your life, go out there and do it. No excuses.

Don’t stress over anything you can’t change.
The old saying “it is what it is” is cheesy and cliché but goddamnit has it saved me a lot of stress and anger. Sometimes traffic is going to make you late no matter how early you leave. Sometimes customers are going to leave shitty tips because of nothing you did wrong. If it’s out of your control, let it go and I guarantee that you’ll be happier.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
Take risks. Give it your all. If it doesn’t work out then learn what you can do next time to get yourself closer to success. Lean on the people around you, for you have a much bigger support system than you realize.

There will be mistakes you’ll never learn from.
Hundreds of hangovers later and I still don’t know how to say, “maybe I don’t need this next Jameson shot.” And that’s okay. Just make sure you have some Gatorade and Advil on hand for the next day.

Don’t take uppers for 36 hours straight without eating and then pregame for an EDM show with Franzia and Three Olives Cake vodka.
Trust me on this one.

Do not let anyone make you feel bad for the decisions you’ve made in life that made you who you are today.
The past is in the past. It brought you to where you are now and you should not have to apologize for how you got there. Did I make some questionable decisions in the past? Yes. But I’m where I need to be now. If you don’t like where your “here” is, then go back to #2.

Don’t date the “nice guy” because that’s what you think you need. I wasted so much time and emotion on this. He was thoughtful, kind, funny. Great job with a 401k. Wanted to buy a house with a yard for a dog. He was the opposite of the loser bar employees I had dated in the past. He had a plan. I could be part of that. I reassured myself every damn day that this is the change I needed. Defended the relationship constantly to people questioning my choice in the anti-bad boy with the, “but he’s so nice!” line.

But the thing is (shocker), healthy relationships should NOT require you to psych yourself up in the mirror to justify them. We started to talk less and less. We became less interested in the activities we’d do together. We’d go to bed at 10pm so he could get up early for work and I started sneaking out and go out with my friends because I didn’t want to be there. He could tell he was weighing me down and that it wasn’t working. I was not being fair to him with my work schedule either. It still hurt when we split because I felt so stupid thinking about changing my life for him, but I’m much happier knowing I dodged a bullet.

Have casual hook-ups with different types of guys. Have a drunk one-night stand. Go home with the hot bartender. Learning what you want in a partner doesn’t just happen overnight; you need to go out and do your research.

Don’t automatically count out long-distance relationships.
I’ve been in multiple in my dating career and I don’t regret any of them. Your friends will all tell you that you’re young and life is too short for LDRs and seriously you would actually move for a BOY? Fuck their opinion. Distance shouldn’t matter if the feelings are there and they are strong. Moving for a significant other should not be looked down upon. Yes, they can be hard work sometimes. You’ll be drunk and lonely and miss them a lot. Let them know. Be honest with them every step of the way. Get Snapchat. Don’t fuck other people. It’s that simple. Remember that it’s far better to work hard for a good paycheck than sit around and hope to win the lottery.

If there IS someone else, goddamnit be a good person and let your partner know.
I’ve seen too many hearts get broken this way, my own included. “Nice guy” dumped me out of the blue a week after planning all of our summer trips because he couldn’t commit to a relationship at the time. He became facebook official with a new girl a couple weeks later. It’s shady, it’s unnecessary and it has to be fucking exhausting to keep up with the lies. Don’t be that person.

Beware of the guy who doesn’t have hobbies or interests.
I dated this guy when I was 24. He wasn’t passionate about anything in life besides drinking whiskey. He didn’t like sports. He didn’t watch TV. He didn’t read. He was a decent cook but only because he did it for a paycheck and not much else. No hobbies besides buying t-shirts that were too big for him. Didn’t have an opinion on anything. There was no fire in his eyes. You know that one spark or flame that lights up when someone gets on a subject that they’re really interested in? They start getting emotional and stumbling over their own words and then say something like, “sorry I know this is nerdy but…” That’s one of the sexiest qualities in a person, at least to me. If he’s not passionate about anything now then what says he’s going to be passionate about your relationship?

Have your own hobbies outside of your significant other.
That sexy quality I described? Other people want to see it in you too. Find something you love and research it to death. Don’t feel embarrassed to share your excitement. Your partner should be happy that you’re happy and support you in your interests.

Don’t be afraid to cut toxic friends out of your life.
It doesn’t matter if you considered them one of your good friends, if they start contributing more bad than good in your life then it’s time to step back and see if it’s worth it to keep ties. I get it; you don’t want to lose this person because maybe you’ve known each other for years or they helped you through a hard time. Friendships, like romantic relationships, are a two-way street and when it starts to become one-sided it’s time to talk.

That being said: don’t burn bridges.
I blame this on me being a Libra but I’m not about confrontation and all about keeping it peaceful and fair. If and when you decide that you need to cut ties with someone, do so amicably. Don’t purposely give anyone a reason to dislike you (though there will always be haters who’re gonna hate hate hate hate hate). This goes for business relationships as well. Don’t fuck over your boss by dramatically quitting on the spot, or berate them for firing you. You never know when that connection could potentially help you land your dream job.

Don’t apologize for your “number”.
You know which one I’m talking about. It’s your past, and your current partner has nothing to do with it. An ex of mine used to get drunk and yell at me about the guys I was with before we were dating and he could never see how irrational he was being. You can’t go back in time and change it. Embrace it.

Learn to laugh at yourself.
Don’t take yourself too seriously because let’s face it, life isn’t serious sometimes. We’re all human. I’ve split two pairs of pants THIS YEAR doing high kick contests against my coworkers. I say stupid shit. I’m an incredibly awkward white girl that attempts to dance like Beyonce on the bar. It puts others at ease and makes you more approachable and trustworthy.

Ladies, don’t be that “I only have guy friends” girl.
Every guy likes a girl that can get along with his friends. Nothing wrong with drinking beer, talking shit and watching football with the guys on Sunday; guys are great to hang out with but girls are the ones in a cab over to your house at 3am after you text them you got dumped. And I know this is an awful (and hypocritical, see below) stereotype but it tends to be true: there’s a reason a girl doesn’t have any girl friends. And it’s not good.

As a female, you will be negatively stereotyped.
Don’t let them get to you. Went through a period of casual hook-ups after a bad break up? Slut. Focused on your career instead of a family? Lonely cat lady. Slept with an athlete? Jersey chaser. Politely decline a date with someone you’re not interested in? Bitch. It sucks but it’s not going away any time soon. Thick skin, white wine and red lipstick help.

Learn the signs of dealing with a sociopath.
Never thought that would be something I learned but life is unpredictable. They are much more common than you think and will do just about anything to get what they want with no regard to whom they hurt in the process.

It’s perfectly okay to have a type.
But don’t rule a potential partner out at first glance because he’s not your “exact” type. People can surprise you.

Do NOT forget where you came from.
While your early-twenties are about figuring out who you are as a person, it’s important that you don’t forget where you came from. No matter where life takes you, family is always home. Family will be there with you through thick and thin and are an incredible, unconditional support system. Don’t lose that. Also no food will ever taste as good as your mom’s food.

Relationships are NEVER the same after high school.
No matter how great of a relationship you’re in, nothing beats the vulnerability of your first real one. You feel every single emotion. Everything is so honest and exciting. You liked a boy and a boy liked you back and it’s the most magical feeling in the world. After school, life starts to catch up with you and you’ll be forced to grow up. When you find someone who makes you feel like you did in high school all over again, don’t lose them.

Be vocal about what you do and do not like in the bedroom.
Once you know what works for you don’t be shy when it comes to telling your partner. Chances are that he wants to know but is too shy to ask as well. Don’t be afraid to try something new and to laugh if it doesn’t work out. Sex isn’t supposed to be serious.

Judging people on superficial things should be left in high school.
You are not superior because you think you have “better” taste in music, movies, TV shows, etc. You’re not above someone because you still use a library card and don’t fuck around with a Kindle, or because you hang out sipping organic espresso at a coffee house instead of playing video games. That just makes you an asshole. To each their own.

Stop stressing so much about money.
I’ll be the first to admit that this one is more of a “do as I say, not as I do.” Money is a constant stress for me. Months of being an unpaid intern drained my entire savings. I was let go from my job in January and fell behind on rent HARD. I’ve had my power shut off. But in the end, money is just money and things are just things and it’s not worth your happiness.

And now for the best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten.
I was flying to Seattle to visit this boy and was extremely nervous. I had been crushed by a break-up with my college boyfriend and had been emotionally unavailable for quite some time until he came along and gave me all those vulnerable feelings that I mentioned earlier. I didn’t want to face my emotions and almost canceled the trip completely. Boarding my connecting flight in Minneapolis, I came across this quote on Instagram:

You know the one thing that absolutely terrifies you? The one thing that makes your palms sweat and your heart pound? Yeah, go out and do that. Because vulnerability and courage are necessary to reach the deepest depths of your secret heart. So book the ticket. Jump out the plane. Say I love you. Your soul will thank you, I promise.

Being content is easy; you have to take some risks to know what it’s like to be truly happy.

what your drink says about you

Big-Name Domestic Light Beer
While you know that the beverage you’re about to enjoy has as much flavor as an old cup of tea make from urinal briquettes, there’s just something comforting about watching those little mountains turn blue. Chances are also very high that you’ve never met a frat (I’m sorry, fraternity) party that you didn’t like.

You’re either:

1. A 65-year-old man who earned his living as a truck driver wanting to enjoy a working man’s beer

2. A twenty-something “writer” living off monthly checks from your parents while trying to make it in the Big City. Your love of PBR is as ironic as your Howl at the Moon tattoo, both of which are obnoxious enough to cover up your underlying fear of actually making it big and losing your “edge”.

Local Microbrews

You care more about being seen drinking a little known organic, locally grown, cage-free IPA than what it actually tastes like. But these 10.4% ABV brews are not the same ones you pounded in college and by beer number three you’ll wonder how in the world you got so drunk.

Vodka Redbull

Mixing liquor with energy drinks is like announcing to the world “I don’t always like to get drunk but when I do, I like to get completely out of control.” Except without the first part because let’s be honest, if your go-to drink is a VRB, chances are you already snorted at least 3 Adderall today.

Tequila Shots

You work so hard and are so underappreciated in all aspects of your life that you deserve a little reward at the end of the day! So you’re with your best girlfriends Brittany and Jill (a Carrie and a Charlotte/Miranda, respectively) at El Azul Mercada for happy hour margs to blow off a little steam and—OMG is that your ex-boyfriend with another girl?! Excuse me, waiter? We need 14 tequila shots. Where are the limes?!

Rum & Coke

You just spent $9 on your watered down drink at a mono-syllabic nightclub, like Mint or Peak, and you’re just waiting for an excuse to start a fight with somebody. Unfortunately, you spent too much time at the gym maxing out your lats and tri’s so you can’t even turn your head when some bro spills a drink on your Sean John wifebeater. You’ll find him next time bro.

White Wine

You’ve done a lot of growing up in your first year of graduate school; tastes have matured, hygiene has gotten slightly worse, and you now worship Liz Lemon as your personal god. Nothing compliments your passion for Post-Feminist Poetry of the 19th Century like a dry, dry chardonnay, which you order at the same frat bar you frequented as an undergrad. It will be handed to you in a plastic cup just like everyone else but still muster enough pretentiousness to look down on every Neanderthal drinking Busch Light around you.


You’re only 20 but you don’t want anyone you’re with to know so you look for the first cocktail on the menu that ends with “-tini” (Classic Martini, sounds good right?) in hopes the bartender won’t card you, because nobody with such a sophisticated palette could be underage. Unfortunately, you didn’t realize what you ordered and now you’re stuck trying to get your face not to contort so much as you choke down straight gin.


“Hey have you seen that—“
“Yes for the tenth time, we’ve all seen My New Haircut.”

You’ll do just about anything for a story. And by anything, I mean literally anything. Like anything, seriously you’re down for it and oh my god why do you suddenly feel like punching a wall?

“my list of things to do when i’m famous or not famous” circa 2003, part I

Being a writer, I’ve documented pretty much everything I’ve ever done since the age of 13. Piles of diaries, composition books, sketchbooks, and notes folded up into tiny paper footballs fill up shelves in my bedroom. Most contain overzealous analyzations of the most mundane things you could think of, like the time a boy may have waved to be in the hallway but one notebook stands above them all.

This is the cover and pile of pictures of celebrities I kept inside

I don’t even know what you would call it. A Burn Book? A time capsule? Encyclopedia of a Freshman Wannabe? I mean, this things has list after list of quotes my friends said, dated MASH results, and a guide to every cute boy I saw (nicknames and stick figure portraits included). There is also a list of 120 things titled “Things To Do When I’m Famous or Not Famous.” Being in that awkward in-between-school-and-a-real-job phase, I think it’s time I look back at this list, see where I am in life, how far I still need to go, and if my 9th grade self would approve. So here it goes:

  1. buy a monkey
  2. donate to AIDS [I’m assuming I meant a cure]
  3. move out of parents’ house
  4. fire De from Chippendales [De was a guy who only had two things on his mind: getting me to be his girlfriend and working at Chippendales. He came out two years later]
  5. torture old bullies
  6. have fun with Sum 41
  7. buy a blue ’57 Chevy
  8. marry a rock star
  9. buy a 747
  10. have mansions in NY, LA, and Idaho
  11. time share in Jamaica
  12. win an Oscar
  13. kill OJ Simpson
  14. buy every CD every made
  15. get Chuck Taylors in every color
  16. Cover an entire wall with passes [I had a lot of hall passes, wandered around in study hall a lot]
  17. hire a decorator
  18. install a McDonald’s in my house [Richie Rich!]
  19. install a McDonald’s in my pool
  20. make life-size picture out of iZone stickys [remember those?!]
  21. fire Ms. Ducommun
  22. buy a billion “sex bracelets” and give them away to hot dudes [really Kelly? REALLY]
  23. buy expensive guitar, throw off building
  24. buy Lamborghini, push off cliff, video tape it, send it to Mr. Bil
  25. go to crystal shop, pretend I blind, hit things with my cane, pay for damages afterward
  26. make mullets illegal
  27. make it illegal to sue fast food companies for getting fat
  28. backstage passes to Warped Tour
  29. make my own dictionary
  30. murder Cupid
  31. change my name to an unpronounceable symbol
  32. host SNL
  33. go on tour with Weezer
  34. be on Behind the Music [it should be noted that I am not nor have ever been musically inclined in any way, shape, or form]
  35. write song about my slippers
  36. buy those bright turquoise shoes I saw on eBay
  37. cook the Pilsbury Doughboy
  38. spell my name Keleigh [obnoxious]
  39. put real meaning of words like ‘hump’ and ‘blow’ in the dictionary [thus, was born]
  40. hire a professional dog poo picker-upper
  41. upgrade Chips Ahoy to 2764 chips per bag
  42. marry Brad Pitt
  43. get Avril Lavigne so drunk she forgets who she is when she wakes up and stops making music
  44. make tie-dye ketchup
  45. make a music video like Sum 41’s “Hellsong” [I just googled it, what the eff?]
  46. meet the Flinstone’s
  47. publish my list of hot people [yeah, that one’s not happening]
  48. date everyone on the hot list [who the fuck do you think you are, McPhee?]
  49. become the Lord of the Ring
  50. lick Dave Grohl
  51. publish rap song under K Mac + Shoop REP
  52. copyright a few letters of the alphabet
  53. buy stock in Love Potion #9
  54. Figure out the real name of that one hot dude with the glasses we followed around downtown the other day
  55. follow my mom’s advice and marry rich [thanks Mom!]
  56. join the 8ft high club
  57. publish my diary
  58. buy a pretty dress I only wear once [sounds like all of my dresses]
  59. beat Hilary Duff with a skateboard
  60. write an ultimate guide to girls
  61. make Johnny Depp do a Pirates of the Caribbean sequel [dreams really do come true]